
Showing posts from June, 2018

LGBTTI Coalition Celebrates Adoption of 2018 LGBTTTI resolution at the OAS

LGBTTTI COALITION CELEBRATES YET ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL OAS GENERAL ASSEMBLY Washington DC, June 14, 2018 The Coalition of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, Transsexuals,  Travestis  and Intersex (LGBTTTI) people of Latin America and the Caribbean working within the framework of the Organization of American States (OAS) celebrates the adoption of the Omnibus Resolution on Human Rights ( OEA/Ser.P/AG/CG/doc.5/18 rev.2 ), which includes section (xii) focusing on the “human rights and prevention of discrimination and violence against LGBTI persons,” during its 48 th  Regular Session of the General Assembly, which took place in Washington DC, June 4 and 5, 2018. THE DIALOGUE WITH HEADS OF DELEGATION THE SECRETARY GENERAL, THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS During this Dialogue we saw an increasing number of allies integrate a message of equality for all and acceptance of sexual and gender diversity, ...